Travel Sellers

Grow Your Business

We help travel sellers connect directly with hotels, improving booking profitability and traveler experience.

How Travel Sellers Benefit
Higher Margins

Connect directly with hotels and access their best rates, availability and content information in real time. Increase your margins by cutting out distribution intermediaries.

Better Cash-flow

Get paid what you are owed automatically, quickly and accurately. Booking data synchronizes consistently with hotels, even following modifications or cancelations, making commission reconciliation and payments a breeze.

Advanced Booking Capabilities

Sell the right room to the right guest at the right price by sharing more data points with hotels in real time and supporting advanced pricing strategies to maximize revenue and increase conversions.

Superior Traveler Experience

Deliver a unique experience to each traveler by accessing and synchronizing data points from hotels and relevant partners in real time throughout the traveler's journey.

Transparent Technology - Transparent Pricing
Simple Connectivity

We connect using industry standard API connectivity, allowing you to incrementally roll out our additional features as needed for your customers.

Low Risk

Arise runs in parallel to your existing connectivity. We won't disrupt your existing supply channels.

No Contracts or Transaction Fees

We have no long-term contracts or transaction fees. We want to earn your business.

Contact Us to Get Started